[Portuguese] [English Instructions for external presenters]

The 4th Postgraduate Exhibition and the 4th Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation Seminar of the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR) are academic-scientific events organized by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Graduate Studies and Research of the UFR. Their primary objectives are to present and disseminate scientific, technological, and innovative research developed by undergraduate and graduate students, inspiring a new wave of research and innovation.
In this fourth edition, we are pleased to announce that the event will be open to the general public and will take place in a hybrid format. This unique format allows for broad participation by undergraduate and graduate students from other Higher Education Institutions, making it more inclusive and flexible than ever before.
The IV Postgraduate Exhibition and the IV Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation Seminar of the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR) are distinguished by their interdisciplinary nature. They serve as a platform for the dissemination of scientific, technological and innovative research across various areas of knowledge, addressing fundamental issues for local, regional, national and international development, associated with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda (UN-2030). We invite you to participate in the IV Postgraduate Exhibition and the IV Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation Seminar at the Federal University of Rondonópolis.
Date/Time 2024 | Activity Title |
09/02 to 11/03 | Registration (Free) |
09/02 to 09/30 | Abstract submission |
18/10 | Disclosure of approved abstracts |
31/10 | Announcement of poster presentation schedule |
11/05 08:00 – 11:00 | Poster session |
11/05 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm | Lecture: “The importance of research in scientific initiation, postgraduate studies and its social role” (in portuguese) Speaker: Prof. Dr. Abelardo Antônio Montenegro (UFPE) |
11/06 08:00 – 11:00 | Poster session |
11/06 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm | Poster session |
Registrations / Abstract Submission
Registration can be done through the links below, according to the chosen participation modality, for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, in the participant and/or work presentation categories:
IV Postgraduate Exhibition — Free Registration for Postgraduate Studies
IV Seminar on Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation — Free Registration Undergraduate
Abstract submission will be held from September 2 to 30, 2024. All interested parties must submit their work exclusively through the forms available in the links below, according to the participation modality:
Postgraduate studies
- General instructions
- Abstract Submission Form
- Summary template
- Supervisor’s consent letter
- Poster template
- Guidelines for video creation (Optional)
Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation
- General instructions for UFR students participating in the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation Programs
- General instructions for UFR students who do NOT participate in the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation Programs/Other Universities
- Abstract Submission Form
- Summary template
- Supervisor’s consent letter
- Poster template
- Guidance for creating videos (Optional)
Event Proceedings and Certificates
The proceedings of the IV Postgraduate Exhibition and the IV Scientific, Technological, Technological Initiation, and Innovation Seminar of the Federal University of Rondonópolis will be published by the UFR Publishing House as an Electronic Book and made available on this page until Dec’01 2024. Certificates will be issued and sent to the email addresses used for registration from Dec’01 2024.
For more details and information about the event, please contact the organization by email: diretoriapesq.propgp@ufr.edu.br, diretoriapg.propgp@ufr.edu.br or by phone at +55 (66) 3410 – 4126.